On 20 November 2022, H. E. Mr A F M Gousal Azam Sarker, Bangladesh Ambassador to I.R. Iran paid a visit to IORA RCSTT and met Dr. M. R. Sanjabi the Centre's Director.
In the beginning, Mr. Gousal Azam Sarker indicated to the 11th Meeting of the RCSTT Advisory Council which was held on 23 October 2022 and evaluated it as a successful event and a well-organized meeting with great outcomes. Further, he talked about the existing opportunities and capabilities for joint ventures in the IORA region in collaboration with RCSTT as one of the IORA Specialized Agencies for benefit of IORA countries. Emphasizing the Climate Change impacts on the environment, ocean environment and water scarcity challenges, Dr. Gousal Azam Sarker, indicated that desalination technologies could attract more attention by the afflicted countries and it would be necessary to pave the way for transfer of related technologies between the holders of the technologies and those in need of them in the region. Dr. Sanjabi also stated that RCSTT is well ready to cooperate with Bangladesh and the other countries in the region to fill the existing gaps and to attain an effective and fruitful collaboration on the mentioned areas. At the end, both sides emphasized the need to work together to find effective solutions and take joint actions to facilitate cooperation in the near future.